Know how » EnLabel - The efficient label design software
EnLabel – The efficient label design software
EnLabel – Main functions
EnLabel makes your work easier with many predefined templates. Numerous functions are available for self-made egg chain designs.
You can position fixed text in any Windows font. Text in a text box automatically adjusts to the character size of that box. Text in a text box automatically adjusts to the character size of that box.

Variable content:
Many contents only arise at print time, such as date stamps, weights, expiry dates, serial numbers, etc. You can create these contents in different ways:
- Generate automatically
- Import from a database
- Enter via a keyboard at print time
- Calculate via a formula/macro script
- Select from a list of options

In this way, the label contents adapt dynamically to the current situation at the time of printout.
All standard sybologies are supported:
- Codabar
- Code128 – Auto
- Code128 – Set A
- Code128 – Set B
- Code128 – Set C
- Code 39
- Code 93
- DataMatrix
- EAN-13
- EAN 8
- GS1 DataBar (RSS)
- GS1 DataMatrix
- GS1-128 (UCC/EAN-128)
- Interleaved 2-of-5
- ITF-14
- MS 7
- MSI (Modified Plessey)
- PDF417
- Plessey
- Postnet
- QR-Code
- Telepen
- Telepen Numeric
- UK Royal Mail 4 State
- UPC-E System-1
The selection and configuration is done with the help of clear menus:

Images and graphics of various formats can be inserted and scaled in the label layouts via the import function. These graphics can be inserted in a fixed manner or dynamically via variable functions, e.g. via a script, depending on the respective constellation. For example, the appropriate image or graphic for each product.
EnLabel comes with many predefined templates. These templates facilitate the design process and can easily be adapted to your specific requirements. These templates are also used to explain basic functions of EnLabel, such as scripting, variables, symbols, etc. An integrated help system completes the interactive support for the design of your labels.
EnLabel – Program Versions
EnLabel makes your work easier with many predefined templates. Numerous functions are available for self-made egg chain designs.
EnLabel Basic
Provides all design and print functions (without database features)
EnLabel Professional
Provides all design and print functions (including database features)
EnLabel Print only
Provides the print functions for secure operation. The user cannot change the design.
EnLabel – Applications
Wherever labels of any kind need to be printed reliably, professionally and quickly, EnLabel is the right choice. Together with the robust and fast printers from MICROPLEX, you can produce your labels in the shortest possible time, just as you expect.
Printing technologies such as thermal printing, laser printing or ink printing in colour or monochrome are available in various print widths and speeds.
The fields of application are as diverse as your requirements, for example:
- Batch printing of product labels with serial number, best before date, date/time, …
- Individual printing with data from a formula, database or keyboard input
- Printing of Odette, VDA, KLT, GHS labels
- Labelling of devices, circuit boards, containers, cartons or pallets
- Safety instructions with graphics, images, logos and text

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